Sign-on by using Google OAuth2

Sign-on by using Google OAuth2

Popular OAuth2 services are available in mobile applications. such as; Login the mobile applications by using Facebook, Google, Twitter etc accounts.

In this post, I am gonna explain how to Login a mobile application by using Gmail/Google+ credentials.

Step 1: First, we should get the SHA1 fingerprint id from our Android Studio.

So, Open the terminal in Mac or Linux (In Windows, open your DOS or command prompt) then follow those below steps in a sequential order.

cd ~/.android


keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
Certificate fingerprints:
MD5:  B3:13:5C:40:63:7B:54:2C:95:57:24:1B:A2:CC:D7:C8
SHA1: 2C:32:8D:E3:B2:B1:33:D3:25:C2:35:F6:96:71:2C:48:98:39:98:2B
SHA256: 9D:00:90:01:31:F9:77:8C:00:F1:3C:74:C6:1B:72:0F:3A:B3:93:6A:6E:F1:F3:0E:64:0F:A5:01:76:F0:63:70
Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
Version: 3
Step 2: Go to google developer console 

-  Create a project - Project id should be a unique id.
-  Go to API manager by developer console left navigation or APIs & auth link -> APIs
-  Enable Google+ API by clicking Google+ link
-  Follow all steps by seeing below screenshots.

Then, OAuth 2.0 Client ID

Perform create button

Your package has been successfully registered with Google API service by your SHA1 key.

Get a sample code from below GitHub URL.



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